Metro East Inferno News


HNS Vaccination Policy & MEIFHA Volunteer Registration

Due to the impending implementation of the government's Proof of Vaccination policy on October 4th (see FAQ link below), MEIFHA is taking the initiative to try to simplify the process for our membership.  We are therefore asking ALL of our volunteers (all Coaches or prospective coaches, managers, treasurers, trainers, chaperones, evaluation helpers, executive members, team safety reps, etc. including  potential volunteers for the upcoming season, to take a moment to complete the  MEIFHA Volunteer Registration form (form link below).  The intention is to expedite the in-person vaccine validation process, by having a list of volunteers on hand, so we do not need to spend time collecting more information while we are at the rink.  
The actual validation of 'proof of vaccination' MUST be provided to the association IN PERSON , as per the NS government policy.  We cannot receive a scan, email or fax copy. We will not be maintaining any records of vaccinations - we will only be tracking whether or not the proof of vaccination has been verified.  Dates and locations for the in-person validation will follow soon.  
Please note, as per the NS government policy, there is no grace period for adults - you must be fully vaccinated to be approved October 4th (see Full Vaccination link below).  If you do not meet this criteria, you will not be approved until the date of your second dose plus 14 days for full efficacy. 
Please contact Melita Scott - MEIFHA Association Safety Rep with any questions or concerns.
Sep 24, 2021

Evaluation Policy and Information for 2021 -2022



2021 - 2022 Player Evaluation and Team Selection Process

Evaluations will begin October 1st, with Goaltender Skills Sessions, and run through October 14th. Please familiarize yourself with MEIFHA Policy and the information below.

See all updates under the Preseason/ Evaluation Tab.

U9 Evaluation & Balancing
  • Players will be assigned numbers with safety pins (2 the same, one for the front and one for the back), provided at the first session (available at check-in anytime if you miss the first evaluation).
  • Each player will have 4 Evaluation sessions.  Your player will keep their number until after the final session. Each player is expected to arrive with this number in place for every session.
  • Please wear a plain jersey, 'non-special team' socks or jerseys, (ie:  no Spring teams).  At the last evaluation session, we'd appreciate it if you could please drop the numbers and pins in the bag (or box) as you exit so we can reuse them next season.
  • Players may be told to wear the WHITE side or the DARK side out (pinnies are reversible).  Players should bring their own DARK and WHITE jerseys to wear underneath their pinnies. NO YELLOW JERSEYS PLEASE!  Please note:  Players are not to wear any pant covers or 'special team' socks or jerseys, (ie:  no Spring teams).  Players will be provided with numbered pinnies distributed at the Preseason Development Sessions and/or available at check-in.  These will be a player's unique number throughout the evaluation process so it is very important they bring it to each and every session they are asked to attend.  Pinnies will be collected once teams have been assigned.  (There is a $25 fee for lost or unreturned pinnies).
  • Players/Goalies are expected to attend all of their assigned Evaluation sessions
  • Players/Goalies are expected to attend all of their assigned Evaluation sessions.
  • 'AAA' & 'AA' Player Evaluation consists of skills session(s) and intra-squad game(s) to determine 'AAA' & 'AA' team placement.  Players may be released following each intra-squad game.
  • Released players will attend their next evaluation session at 'AA' (U13/U15) or 'A' (U11/U18), or 'C' (U11-U15). All notification will be made by way of our website. Once updated lists have been posted, an email will be sent to the membership containing a link to the Evaluations page.
  • 'A' & 'C' level balancing consists of intra-squad games. Balancing is the process whereby players are evaluated so that multiple teams within a division are given equal opportunity to compete. Balancing is essential to ensure all players have similar experiences throughout the season. and will occur at any level with sufficient numbers and skill to warrant multiple teams within our association.

MEIFHA will strive to adhere to our policy of team selection announcements no later than noon the day following the final evaluation session. If unforeseen circumstances delay any team annoucemnt,(inclement weather, power outages, etc.), we will do our best to notify all involved of the delay along with the new expected announcement date.

Important Reminders: 

  • The Player Evaluation and Team Selection process will be conducted by each Division's (U9, U11, U13, U15 and U18) Evaluation Team which will include MEIFHA Vice-President Hockey Operations, the MEIFHA Division Coordinator or acting Division Coordinator, Coaching Staff (if appointed) and Independent Evaluators.
  • The Player Evaluation and Team Selection process will afford players the chance to show their abilities in a number of situations. While skill is a premium, the ability to be competitive, play consistently, with hockey sense, and be effective in games is very important. Evaluators will use criteria adopted from Hockey Canada with consideration given to the variety of categories that are to be assessed. Players will be scored based on their performance on the ice and their respective Coaches for the Team/Category will have final decision on roster spots. The role of the Independent Evaluators is to assess the players impartially to assist MEIFHA in ensuring that everyone lands in an appropriate category of play for their ability.
  • Any inquiries during and/or after the Player Evaluations & Team Selections must be addressed to the MEIFHA Division Coordinators within (4) days of Team Selection. No Coach, Evaluator, Assistant or Executive member will entertain any concerns related to individual players. No phone calls or emails will be accepted until 24 hours have passed from the time of the placement posting or player release notification. Please respect our twenty-four (24) hour rule.

(Kim Findlay)

(Scott Wadden)

(Dave MacNeil)

(Dave Bruce)

(Mark Underhill)

Sep 21, 2021

Have you created your Hockey Canada Registry 3.0 account yet?

Hockey Canada has integrated the Hockey Canada Registry and E-Hockey systems. 

What does this mean for you?
  • Logins for accounts in the old HCR and Ehockey systems no longer work
  • You will need to create a NEW ACCOUNT in the HCR 3.0.  Please do this ASAP so you are all set when registration opens!
  • All of your information will still be there when you create your new HCR 3.0 account
  • You can link all of your player(s), coach(es) and volunteer(s) profiles to your new account
MEIFHA will be using the new HCR 3.0 for registration this season.  Our goal is to have online registration open for August 16th.  We ask for your patience as we are still learning the new HCR 3.0 system.  Registration Information will be coming out soon.  Please watch your INBOX and updates through our socials.
HOCKEY CANADA HCR 3.0 - Getting set up in the new system


  1. Click LOGIN (top right corner)
  2. Next, click Sign Up (bottom right corner)
  3. Create your account
  4. Click the icon (top right corner, grey icon)
  5. Select MY ACCOUNT (drop down menu) to get to My Members page
  6. Click Link a Member to add players, coaches and volunteers in your family.
To link your player(s) profile to your login, as well if you are a volunteer or coach with an ehockey profile, by looking up the member name, choosing them and then selecting the relation to the member, (for example, parent or self). In doing this you are ready to register your player for the season once registration opens and if you are a volunteer/ coach, you are now ready to also sign up for any clinics and online courses.

Link account and see qualifications
Aug 13, 2021

Metro East Inferno Launches New Website Powered by GrayJay!



Metro East Inferno Female Hockey Association has launched a new website powered by the GrayJay Leagues platform from!  This change will facilitate communication with the Nova Scotia Female Hockey League's new website.  We will need time to update and connect all the information we normally provide to our players, parents, coaches and managers.  Links will fail, information will be outdated.  Please be patient as we work through this process.

In the meantime, here are important links to the resources you will need this season:

NSFHL (Nova Scotia Female Hockey League)

HNS (Hockey Nova Scotia)

HCR 3.0


Our new website brings a contemporary new look to our online presence, as well as new functionality, such as real-time scoring, electronic gamesheets, roster management, schedule management with conflict alerts, and much more!

The real-time scoring feature allows officials to easily update games as they happen, including goals, penalties, etc. on a mobile phone, tablet, or PC. This information is immediately available on the website for people to follow the game in the stands or at home.

Game data is automatically added to the team and player statistics on the website, and historical data has been imported to provide the user with a complete set of data in one convenient location. Electronic gamesheets are auto-generated for easy and improved record keeping.

Team and game rosters can be managed from any location with an internet connection to allow us to keep you up-to-date with the most current roster information.

We are excited for the possibilities of our new website and hope you will love it as much as we do!

Aug 9, 2021

Important Updates for 2021 -2022: HCR 3.0


 Out with HCR 2.0 & Ehockey, in with HCR 3.0

Hello Metro East Inferno Families,
Hopefully you are all enjoying your summer!  We are excited for the upcoming 2021 - 2022 Metro East Inferno Female Hockey Association (MEIFHA) Season.  Apologies for the delay in information this summer but there have been a lot of changes coming at us since July and although we are working furiously to ensure a smooth transition, these things take time.
  1. Hockey Canada has integrated the Hockey Canada Registry and E-Hockey systems. 
What does this mean for you?
  • Logins for accounts in the old HCR and Ehockey systems no longer work
  • You will need to create a NEW ACCOUNT in the HCR 3.0.  Please do this ASAP so you are all set when registration opens!
  • All of your information will still be there when you create your new HCR 3.0 account
  • You can link all of your player(s), coach(es) and volunteer(s) profiles to your new account
2.  MEIFHA will be using the new HCR 3.0 for registration this season.  Our goal is to have online registration open for August 16th.  We ask for your patience as we are still learning the new HCR 3.0 system.  Registration Information will be coming out this week.  Please watch your INBOX and updates through our socials.
3.  We will be launching a NEW WEBSITE and executive email addresses.  Our website will still be found at but we will be moving to a GrayJay platform, in keeping with the recent NSFHL league change.  This will ensure we continue to have game information feed directly onto our site and allow us to participate in new technological updates to game reporting and referee scheduling. PLEASE be patient as it will take time to update all of the information and links on our website.  With many recent changes to our systems and procedures, you may need to go directly to the NSFHL and HNS sites for information.  Again, please watch your INBOX and our social media for updates!

4.  We will be hosting Preseason Development Sessions between September 1st and October 1st.  Information will be coming soon!
Any questions please feel free to contact our registrar Casha Cruickshank at or myself.
Kristina Blackmore
MEIFHA VP Administration, Equipment & Website Coordinator
Please note:  All meifha.** email will remain active and forward to the new email addresses.

HOCKEY CANADA HCR 3.0 - Getting set up in the new system

  1. Click LOGIN (top right corner)
  2. Next, click Sign Up (bottom right corner)
  3. Create your account
  4. Click the icon (top right corner, grey icon)
  5. Select MY ACCOUNT (drop down menu) to get to My Members page
  6. Click Link a Member to add players, coaches and volunteers in your family.
To link your player(s) profile to your login, as well if you are a volunteer or coach with an ehockey profile, by looking up the member name, choosing them and then selecting the relation to the member, (for example, parent or self). In doing this you are ready to register your player for the season once registration opens and if you are a volunteer/ coach, you are now ready to also sign up for any clinics and online courses.

If you need more help:
Link account and see qualifications
Aug 8, 2021

Seeking Volunteers 2021


Please consider volunteering as a member of our Board!


Metro East Inferno Female Hockey Association
Open Volunteer Roles 2021 - 2022


We are currently seeking volunteers to join our board.  Please click the links below for descriptions of the positions we have open for the upcoming season and consider joining our team!  

U15 Coordinator
U18 Coordinator
Association Safety Rep
Development Coordinator
**VP Administration
**VP Hockey

Individuals wishing to apply should provide expression of interest along with accompanying background information ATTN: PRESIDENT at

** In accordance with MEIFHA By-Law 7.4, the Officer positions of  Vice-President of Administration and Vice-President of Hockey Operations are elected positions for a term of two (2) years at a MEIFHA Special Meeting called by the President. If there are more than one candidate, then there shall be a vote. Election requires fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the votes cast. If more than two (2) candidates are seeking election for this position, then the candidate with the fewest votes is declared defeated. Voting continues until a majority vote is obtained.
Jul 21, 2021