Metro East Inferno News


REMINDER - AGM June 15th, 2022


The Metro East Inferno Female Hockey Association 2021 - 2022 Annual General Meeting will be held by Zoom Conference Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 ~ 7:00 pm.

Please watch your email for the AGM Agenda and Zoom meeting links. 


Update June 8th: AGENDA:
I. Call meeting to order - Welcome
II. Approval of Minutes from 2010-2021 MEIFHA AGM
III. Recognition of Team Accomplishments and Player Graduations
IV. Volunteer Recognition
V. President's Report
VI. Executive VP Report
VII. VP of Hockey Operations Report
VIII. VP of Finance Report
VIV. Proposed Budget for 2021 - 2022


Thank you,


May 30, 2022