Metro East Inferno News


Congratulations Inferno!

U18 A Blaze


U15 AA


U11 A Fire


Nov 14, 2022

SAMHA Tournament Series.

SAMHA Tournament Series.

Oct 28, 2022

Official Team Rosters

Hello Inferno Team Managers,


New process for team rostering this season. 


This form is for team managers (or designated volunteer) to add their team staff to the official roster. You will need to submit a new form for each name. They can be added at once or as you secure volunteers.

We need ALL 
  • coaches/on-ice helpers 
  • managers
  • dressing room chaperones
  • safety reps
  • treasurer (for contact list)
All volunteers with First Shift also need to be updated, please. Thank you!
LINK TO TEAM ROSTERING FORM will be limited to team managers for the remainder of the process. Thanks!
Thank you,



Oct 3, 2022

MEIFHA 50/50 2022-2023

Given volunteer constraints, at this time we will not be coordinating an association level 50/50 this year. 
If someone would like to take it over; our previous coordinator will help onboard.
The lotto work effort would include;
Obtaining the lottery license 
Setting up the account with raffle box
Meeting up with rafflebox on lotto day to get tickets 
Coordinate social media and people to do the draw on the day 
Compile individual and team level data.
Based on previous years results, the work effort is justified for the first two lottos of the year so if someone wanted to take it over, our recommendation would be to offer two between October and December.
Thank you, 
Sep 27, 2022


Hockey Nova Scotia is looking for members of the hockey community who are interested in joining our new Hockey Nova Scotia Safe Sport Committee.


Under the direction of our Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tina Atkinson, the committee will focus on initiatives aimed at protecting all Hockey Nova Scotia members and providing a safe hockey environment on and off the ice.


The committee will be tasked with:


  • Providing strategic guidance on the development, dissemination and implementation of sport safety guidelines for Hockey Nova Scotia, incorporating safe sport and injury prevention principles
  • Recommending priority areas and educational programs
  • Protecting all athletes, coaches, officials through risk identification and management, education, training, resources and communication


Please note this is a volunteer role. A professional medical background would be considered an asset.


If you are interested in joining the committee, please click here to apply now.




The deadline to apply is Friday, Sept. 16. We look forward to hearing from you.

Aug 30, 2022

Annoucing New Pilot Project for 2022-2023

Hello Metro East Inferno Families,
As we get ready to launch registration for the upcoming 2022-2023 season we wanted to introduce an exciting NEW pilot program.  One of our key mandates from the board is the implementation of a goaltender specific initiative. Goaltenders are essential to the game of hockey and we want to ensure that we at Metro East Inferno cultivate these players while encouraging and supporting them in developing their skills. 
In anticipation of a return to a much more normal season, we will emphasize all player and coach development. The player model will focus on positional development, and for the 2022-2023 upcoming season, we will be offering a *50% discounted registration fee for all goaltenders from U11 through U18 for the 2022-23 season. We hope that increased goaltender-specific development sessions and decreased costs will encourage recruitment and sustainability of the goaltender position within Metro East Inferno for years to come.
*Please note:  This initiative will be revisited post-season. Discount applies to registration ONLY. More details to follow soon on the website. 
Stay tuned for 2022-2023 Registration Information coming very soon!

Our Goaltender Development Initiative!

Introducing an exciting NEW pilot program. Goaltenders are essential to the game of hockey and we want to ensure that we at Metro East Inferno cultivate these players while encouraging and supporting them in developing their skills. We anticipate a full return to our Goaltender Development Program this season, which has been challenging since 2020, due to health restrictions. We fully intend to provide regular ice-sessions with Goaltending specialists, at no additional charge to players.
Metro East Inferno would like to encourage ANY and ALL FEMALE  goaltenders within our region of Cole Harbour, Dartmouth, East Hants and Eastern Shore to come play FEMALE hockey with us!  Female  players interested in exploring the position for the first time are also welcome to come try it out! 
PILOT PROJECT:  Goaltender Development Initiative 2022 - 2023
  • *Evaluation and Preseason Development Session fees will not be discounted
  • All goaltenders will be responsible for their share of all team-related fees for the season
  • Goaltenders must agree to remain in the position until at least November 15th, at which time any who choose to play 'out' will be required to pay a pro-rated/adjusted registration fee set on a case by case basis.
  • All goaltenders who played with MEIFHA in 2021-2022 will find find a credit of $425 is already available in the HCR for registration
  • NEW Goaltenders must first contact the Registrar at before proceeding to registration
  • Please note: Installment fee of $25 is not included in the 50 % discount
We also have some equipment available for use at the U9 and U11 level. Please contact Scott Wadden for more information on goalie equipment.
Aug 9, 2022