Metro East Inferno News
Safety Procedures for 2020 MEIFHA Evaluations
Hello MEIFHA families,
As we head into evaluations on October 3, it is important we review some important safety procedures. We also want to THANK EVERYONE for the attention to safety during the September development sessions and especially the volunteers who stepped up as chaperones and desk support.
As you are likely aware, Nova Scotia’s Office of Public Health has announced some additional privileges for sports and arts-based activities beginning October 1. This is exciting but also adds additional logistical steps for every association in Nova Scotia. Hockey Nova Scotia has updated their Rebound Plan to reflect these changes – it is IMPORTANT that all MEIFHA families review this plan and discuss it with players.
If you have thoroughly reviewed the Rebound Plan, you will see that each association carries a lot of responsibility to help ensure the following.
As we head into evaluations on October 3, it is important we review some important safety procedures. We also want to THANK EVERYONE for the attention to safety during the September development sessions and especially the volunteers who stepped up as chaperones and desk support.
As you are likely aware, Nova Scotia’s Office of Public Health has announced some additional privileges for sports and arts-based activities beginning October 1. This is exciting but also adds additional logistical steps for every association in Nova Scotia. Hockey Nova Scotia has updated their Rebound Plan to reflect these changes – it is IMPORTANT that all MEIFHA families review this plan and discuss it with players.
If you have thoroughly reviewed the Rebound Plan, you will see that each association carries a lot of responsibility to help ensure the following.
- Association board members must orientate to the new COVID-19 related safety precautions
- Associations must liaise with Hockey Nova Scotia and the facilities used by our association to keep on top of changes & requirements
- Associations must identify an association Safety Rep and Team Safety Reps to share information with families regarding what is required by Public Health & Hockey Nova Scotia and conduct/track COVID-19 screening
- Communicate what is expected of all those interacting with association activities – all volunteers, coaches, players and spectators must comply with the safety requirements
- COVID-19 screening and registration must occur before EVERY activity – this is everyone’s “ticket to play” whether you are a volunteer, coach, player, evaluator or spectator
MEIFHA does feel once teams are in place and team safety reps are assigned, the job of sharing information with families, screening and registration of screening will become easier and more manageable for everyone. Saying that, this task is much more difficult with broader groupings such as with development sessions and the upcoming evaluations where groups will often change.
As a result of the strict requirements, and based on what our volunteers can manage for these larger and changing groups, PLEASE REVIEW the following important information.
As a result of the strict requirements, and based on what our volunteers can manage for these larger and changing groups, PLEASE REVIEW the following important information.
- MEIFHA CANNOT ACCOMMODATE SPECTATORS for evaluations – the screening logistics and responsibility is too much for volunteers to manage for these larger and changing groups
- The screening survey IS THE “TICKET TO PLAY” for ALL coaches, evaluators, volunteers and players – without screening being completed electronically PRIOR to arriving at the rink, participation cannot be guaranteed as MEIFHA will have limited resources to screen on site
- All volunteers must be registered on the MEIFHA spreadsheet as a coach, evaluator or volunteer desk/chaperone – if you are not on the spreadsheet you will not receive a screening survey
- Players who require assistance with equipment/skates and who are UNDER 13 years of age may be assisted in the hallway outside the dressing room prior to and after each evaluation session
- Nobody except REGISTERED CHAPERONES are permitted in the dressing rooms
- We highly recommend those volunteering during evaluations to watch the Safety Rep Training Module on YouTube. Once teams are formed, team Safety Reps will be required to complete the Hockey Canada – Planning a Safety Return to Hockey on the eHockey platform
- Everyone must WEAR A MASK as per Public Heath guidelines
We know evaluations can be stressful for some and these added limitations may cause concern. We need to stress that all of these decisions have been made based on safety and to help limit the burden of this process on our volunteers, who already contribute hundreds of hours each year.
Let’s all continue to work together to show that MEIFHA will be a leader in prevention and committed to helping ensure safe and continuous play for the 2020-2021 season. We’ll be sending out safety bulletins/reminders over the next few days with additional rink information, short reminders and easy graphics you can save to your smartphone photos. Watch for the evaluation schedule email and please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you!
Let’s all continue to work together to show that MEIFHA will be a leader in prevention and committed to helping ensure safe and continuous play for the 2020-2021 season. We’ll be sending out safety bulletins/reminders over the next few days with additional rink information, short reminders and easy graphics you can save to your smartphone photos. Watch for the evaluation schedule email and please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you!
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